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Monday, February 14, 2011

2011 New SEO Strategies To Please Google

Hello again to my faithful followers. Making money online just got more difficult!

I've obviously been slaving away too long with my nose to the grindstone and didn't realize that times were a-changin'. No sooner did I post about my dilemma over what SEO strategy to use than I look up and find that all the rules are changing.

Griz (the acknowledged guru of IM) has decided that building a brand and focusing on becoming an authority is the proper way of gaining trust (and therefore, traffic) from Google and the other SEs. And he's not the only one. It seems all of the 'big guys' are changing their tune from massive link building to building a real company and marketing online just as any brick-and-mortar company would do. Then let the links come as they may and the cream will rise to the top.

Easy for them to say. These 'gurus', whether they like the term or not, sit atop their perch and change the rules. In all honesty, maybe its G that is changing the rules and they are just changing strategies to maintain their perch (and the lifestyles on which they have become accustomed).

If you happen to not be the cream, what then? If you are not an expert or an authority, should you just give up?

This is my new dilemma. It sounds to me like they are telling me to pack it up and call it a day. Because I am not an authority on anything that someone else can't already beat me at. Sure I have my perspective on things, but can I write daily, weekly, or more on a given topic an build a site that has more clout than real experts.


Maybe the SEs are getting smarter and will learn how to discern the difference between artificially created backlinks and naturally created backlinks, but until I earn an expert status in something, I think the old-fashioned way will still work best for most folks.

Once I am able to earn a living online and quit my day job, I'll consider myself an expert on making money online.



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